Internal Job Postings
This enhancement will use HR/Job Openings to post Job Openings for your employees on myMITC. This can be used to attract internal candidates and in conjunction with myApplicants/Employee Referral System.
Inactive Authorizations
New procedures in Billing Preparation and Group Billing to automatically inactive authorizations based off end date of authorization.
Fixed Mileage and Travel Time
MITC supports 4 ways to capture travel time and 3 ways to capture mileage.
- Fixed Travel Time and Mileage uses pre-set times and miles.
- Automatically calculate a fixed allowance for travel time (taxable) and mileage (non-taxable) when employees travel between job/clients.
Report EZ Employee Data Generator Expansion
Report EZ Employees Data Generator has been expanded to include additional data.
Many are checkboxes, some are Memo fields.
- AEIC_Stat
- Checkdist
- ELOCAexmpt
- ELOCBexmpt
- esdi_exmpt
- esutaexmpt
- extrapay
- futa_exmpt
- locfilstat
- PY_live
- rview_note
- ssec_exmpt
- tk_note
- prsnl_note
Auto Prompt Employees to Clock-In and Out
- Help customers operating under the EVV mandate achieve higher compliance levels by minimizing edits
- Help all customers achieve lower rates of Attendance Edits
1. Post clock-in reminder
- Label: Remind employee to clock-out
- After NNN Minutes: 999
- Employee Prompt: 50x
- Function: Texts, emails or uses myCommunications to employee with customer defined m
- Example: Remember to clock-out
2. Attendance Request cheer
- Label: Congratulate employee on zero Attendance Requests this week
- Employee Prompt: 50x
- Function: Displays on Timesheet
- Example: Congratulations! Perfect Attendance so far this week. No Attendance Requests.
- Perfect Attendance so far. 100% for the week. Get a Starbucks coffee voucher.
3. Attendance Request warning
- Label: Warn employee about Attendance Requests this week
- Employee Prompt: 50x
- Function: Displays on Timesheet
- Example: You lost your perfect attendance this week. Remember to clock-in and out
4. Attendance Request Counter
- Label: Display count of Attendance Requests this week
- After NN requests this week: NN
- Employee Prompt: 50x
- Function: Displays on Timesheet
- Requires: OK to acknowledge
- Example: This is your NN Attendance Request this week. Remember to clock-in/out.
5. Attendance Request Cap
- Label: Stop employee using Attendance Requests this week
- Block employee after
- requests this week: NN
- Employee Prompt: 50x
- Function: Displays on Timesheet
- Requires: OK to acknowledge
- Example: You have exceeded the number of NN Attendance Requests allowed. Contact your supervisor